la boite games

Hex survival Preview

On march 7/2014, a mail arrived from The Game Crafter to my studio. It was the prototype of “Hex Survival”.

I’m very excited, hope you can enjoy the photos preview:


Lazy horse

GRABLIN’s lazy horse!!!


You can find it on: TGC (click here) 


Grablin’s Box

The GRABLIN’S box! What do you think about it?


GRABLIN cover!!!

Today i finish the damn, amazing cover of GRABLIN! Do you like it?


Grab the chest – Prototype

I finally got the Dice of GRAB THE CHEST” game.

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PortHoles dice icons

While waiting for the shipment of materials for the prototype of “HexSurvival,” I began to draw another game, called “Portholes”. Here is some icons for the dice. What do you think? Minimal or pixel art?



Hex Survival Tuning

Just in time for a #ProtoPlayPhoto of the Hex Survival’s tuning!!!



HEX SURVIVAL dev #1 Cards

I’m starting to draw the AMAZING cards for the best Hex Game ever made: HEX SURVIVAL.

Take a look!

It is open to comments.


For info: