On march 7/2014, a mail arrived from The Game Crafter to my studio. It was the prototype of “Hex Survival”.
I’m very excited, hope you can enjoy the photos preview:
My friend, Daniele Giardini, creates the awesome runner of game history: Goscurry!!!
Why don’t celebrate it drawing a cover desktop background?
Hope you like it!
Lazy Horse finally comes to us!!!
The 8-bit video, with old pixel art and 8bit-music, describe Grablin‘s gameplay.
Gaetano Leonardi art, gamedesign
Luigi di Guida music
I finally found the time to announce that GRABLIN IS ONLINE!!!
You can find it on: TGC (click here)
While waiting for the shipment of materials for the prototype of “HexSurvival,” I began to draw another game, called “Portholes”. Here is some icons for the dice. What do you think? Minimal or pixel art?
For info: info@la-boite.it
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